Weather Overview
In this section, you will find the hourly updated weather conditions of our country. Just select the province you are interested in visiting and you will have the details on the spot. If you are looking for generic information before traveling you can use Panama Province as reference.
We also provide you the 5 days weather forecast to help you decide in advance when it is the best time to visit different places.
Panama is considered to have tropical weather, only having 2 climate seasons: rainy season(that we call winter) and dry season(that we call summer). The rainy season is the predominant one in the year as it runs from mid-April until mid-December. Our Summer is from mid-December until mid-April. We can assume what you are thinking... this is terrible, right?...wrong! Actually, even though it does rain throughout almost the whole year it is more like scattered small showers rather than long-lasting heavy rains (with some exceptions). Panama sees the sunshine almost all the time. There is no bad time to visit.
The temperature remains constant throughout the year averaging 27°C to 30°C. Therefore, make sure you pack comfortable beach/summer clothing because it is hot and humid.
The only exception on the above-mentioned temperature average is on the Highlands of the country where temperatures can be as low as 15°C.